The Terasem Journals Online

The Terasem Journals Online

The Terasem Journals include The Journal of Geoethical Nanotechnology and The Journal of Personal Cyberconsciousness. They are the journals of Terasem, a not-for-profit charity endowed for the purpose of educating the public on the practicality and necessity of greatly extending human life, consistent with diversity and unity, via geoethical nanotechnology and personal cyberconsciousness. Visit the Archive to view past issues. For more information about Terasem, please visit

The Journal of
Geoethical Nanotechnology

The Journal of Geoethical Nanotechnology explores economic, political, social and technological aspects of the developing technology of molecular nanotechnology. The Journal invites submissions on controversial topics such as self-replication and governance.

Particularly encouraged are articles relating to neuronano- technology, the use of atomic-size devices to interface with neurons.  Geoethical aspects of neuronanotechnology include the impact of its use on others (both those who are interfaced and those who are not), the accessibility of it to all (commencing with those who will benefit most from it) and independent means of monitoring its compliance with widely agreed-upon norms.  Possible examples of geoethical neuronanotechnology include rectification of mental illness, knowledge commodification and consciousness beming.

Submissions are welcome.


The Journal of
Personal Cyberconsciousness

The Journal of Personal Cyberconsciousness explores the mathematical, physical, engineering (hardware, software, firmware), philosophical, psychological, biological, socio- economic, and juridical aspects of non-flesh based consciousness, such as could arise from an advanced machine- based computer.

The Journal invites submissions on controversial topics such as how consciousness can be ported from a human being into a machine, how consciousness can emerge in a computer and be ported into a nanotechnological or cellular-regenerated body, and how mindware can be developed that enables consciousness to emerge from fragments of someone's lifetime experiences that have been stored in digital media.

Submissions are welcome.